About Us

Imagine a world where household and personal care products are not only useful but also eco-friendly, where the planet we call home is protected from the harmful effects of plastic waste. At EcoFriends LLC, we are working to turn this vision into a reality.

Founded in 2023 in the heart of Virginia, USA, we are dedicated to finding and developing the most effective and environmentally friendly household and personal care products. We believe that everyone can contribute to a greener future. Through our products, we empower individuals to make conscious choices that benefit both themselves and the planet.

Our commitment doesn't end with just offering sustainable products. We aim to inspire and educate individuals and communities about the importance of reducing plastic waste. Through our blog, social media platforms, and like-minded partner collaborations, we strive to spread awareness and empower others to join our fight against plastic pollution.

With every purchase you make from EcoFriends, you become a part of a powerful movement that is reshaping the way we live and consume. Together, we can make a difference. Together, let's create a world that we are proud of, and future generations can thrive on a planet that is truly sustainable.

Company Mission: To lead the way in sustainable living by providing a wide range of eco-friendly, plastic-free household and personal care products. We strive to inspire others and create a global movement towards a cleaner, greener world, ensuring that future generations can enjoy a thriving planet.

Company Vision: At EcoFriends, we envision a future where eco-friendly practices are embraced by all households. We strive to provide innovative solutions for sustainable living, with biodegradable and environmentally conscious products that prioritize the health of our planet. Through educational initiatives, we aim to empower individuals to make conscious choices and create a ripple effect towards a greener future.

Join us on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram to stay updated on new products, blogs and activities.